Stins Flowermarket in Amsterdam

NederlandStins Flowermarket



🕗 openingstijden

630, Singel, 1017 AZ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 625 7222
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3666747, Longitude: 4.8926393

opmerkingen 5

  • Pakawat Nakwijit

    Pakawat Nakwijit


    It is a big flower market and saviour (there is weed chocolate too). Tulip and weed are everywhere. - Very crowded. + Nice place to get a good portrait.

  • Pat L

    Pat L


    Fun place to visit even if you don’t plant to buy anything :-)

  • Samsumg A5

    Samsumg A5


    impressive floating market and affordable prices!

  • Enrica Sergi

    Enrica Sergi


    We bough here two bags of tulips bulbs, claimed to be the "highest" quality and from the Netherlands. (Also the most expensive of all the market, just to say). Once I opened the bags (one day after the purchase), all bulbs were completely covered of mould and I had the unpleasant and unhealthy pleasure of inhalating all the spores (almost had to call an ambulance as I was struggling to breathe). Tried to put them in the pot anyway and all of them just died, covered by mould and decomposing. In one day. WASTE OF MONEY!!! This is just tourist theft.

  • Master iOqY

    Master iOqY


    It's a long street of flower vendors, some on floating barges. A little overwhelming with lots of people. Hard to buy flowers and bulbs though if you're not from the area as flight restrictions would come into play. Still a good spot to see how much flower varieties there are.

Bloemist in de buurt

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