Klaas Timmer Flowers B.V. in Amsterdam

NederlandKlaas Timmer Flowers B.V.



🕗 openingstijden

486, Singel, 1017 AW, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 1919
website: klaastimmerbloemen.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3669318, Longitude: 4.8897987

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Tobias Kaiser


    Not nice.

  • en

    Lulu Dickens


    As someone said before the shopkeeper is very rude. I bought tulip bulbs and asked him if I could pay with my debit card (debit not credit), and he said that was ok. But when I chose my tulip bulbs and approached him to pay them he told me that instead of 3,5€ he was going to charge me 4€ because of the commission that the bank charges to him (but I paid with a debit card). I made the purchase as I was in a hurry to go to the airport and take my plane, didn't have any cash available, and others shops didn't allow me to pay with debit card. That was a nuisance, ok. But the worst thing about this man was his attitude towards me once I made the purchase. He looked at me like if I was filth, clearly loathing me, and said goodbye to me in such a rude manner like if I was a trash. I felt really offended but didn't say anything to him, I just walked away his shop. But when I had left, I felt his eyes following me, like spying on me, then to feel safe I entered the cheese shop of Old Amsterdam and stayed inside for about 10 minutes. When I came out of Old Amsterdam shop, I made my way along with other visitors for a little while in the flower market and then felt safe. I agree with the other lady that this shopkeeper has mental issues and can be dangerous for ladies. Stay away from his shop. I didn't know it, but in the airport there is alsp a flowers shop, so I could have saved money on the purchase and bought a better product (when I arrived home and looked closely at the bulbs I realized that some of them have moss).

  • fr

    chantal saarloos


    Des fleurs magnifiques et du personnel super motivé à l'humour parfumé ! Je recommande cette adresse à tout ceux qui veulent illuminer leur intérieur d'une touche de nature dont la qualité est sans faille !

  • Andrea Ford

    Andrea Ford


    If I could give zero stars, I would. DO NOT BUY FLOWERS AT THIS SHOP. Do not even visit this shop! I paused for a moment OUTSIDE this shop while waiting for my elderly parents to catch up with me and the shopkeeper assaulted me verbally, screaming at me that he was closed, calling me a dirty tourist, and asking me why I had waited all day to come to his shop when he was closing. I was not even planning to shop there! I simply paused outside and looked in the DIRECTION of the shop while waiting for my parents. The rude, abusive shopkeeper persisted in harassing me, asking me if I was a pickpocket! I did not know it, but the entire time a film crew was recording him for a show, and they then began recording me, without my permission. A member of the film crew began telling me I was a rude tourist, simply for standing on the sidewalk waiting for my elderly parents. Obviously they were trying to start a drama. DO NOT SPEND MONEY HERE. This man needs psychological help. The state of the Netherlands should look after him. I lived in this country many years ago, and I have traveled all over the world. I have met many decent people in the Netherlands, but this man is an abusive disgrace. The film crew also is behaving illegally by filming and airing people without their permission. I have reported the incident to the police.

  • Marc Sijtstra

    Marc Sijtstra


    Wij krijgen wekelijks een prachtboeket van Klaas. Mooie kwaliteitsbloemen die lang staan.

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