FlowerLovesMe in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

28, Nieuwe Spiegelstraat, 1017 DG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 40252483
website: www.flowerlovesme.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3639755, Longitude: 4.8890386

opmerkingen 5

  • Anneke Davy

    Anneke Davy


    By far the best, most reliable flower shop in Amsterdam. Not only the most beautiful bouquets with super fresh and long lasting flowers, but also top service and such a friendly atmosphere. Wouldn't think twice about choosing anyone else :)

  • Daniela Niculet

    Daniela Niculet


    Quite happy with the bouquets and the quality of the services. I really was clueless as I was ordering gifts from outside the country for a newly wed couple. Communication was exceptional and they were very prompt in their response and delivery:) would definitely shop again with them!

  • Georgia Vaughn

    Georgia Vaughn


    They were prompt to respond and put together a beautiful last minute orchid for my boyfriend's birthday, since I couldn't be there to celebrate with him. The flowers are gorgeous and the service was wonderful. 10/10!

  • ward vanoverberghe

    ward vanoverberghe


    I recommended this exceptional flower shop to a friend for Mother’s Day. He’s well known in Amsterdam for his unique styling and use of fresh flowers who last very long. My friend was very impressed for the perfectly arranged delivery which was very attentive. My friend is now number1 fan of FlowerLovesMe!

  • Shauni Bodine

    Shauni Bodine


    Highly recommend FlowerLovesMe! The flowers are always fresh, so they stay beautiful for such a long time. Byoungsung is super caring when it comes to arrange the bouquets. He goes above and beyond to make the most out of his creations. Every time I come in the flowers are unique en different from the last time. Definitely my favorite florist

Bloemist in de buurt

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