De Tuinen Van in Amsterdam

NederlandDe Tuinen Van



🕗 openingstijden

455, Prinsengracht, 1016 HN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 18290746
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3703687, Longitude: 4.8831132

opmerkingen 5

  • cliona ashe

    cliona ashe


    Got a very nice air plant with stand as a gift - staff were helpful and provided good suggestions

  • Emma Eijer

    Emma Eijer


    Two hard working guys with a great passion for plants. They gave me advise on how to treat the plants and the price quality is good. You only have to be early on the yard sale. They are rapidly sold out. There are many people who are coming and buy a lot of plants, because it's a great place to buy nice plants for a low price!

  • Christian Freese

    Christian Freese


    Just went to their yard sale yesterday, was such a joke.

  • Divya Chris

    Divya Chris


    Terrible place running a yard sale where plants were most fake and plastic

  • Maria Gracia Ogliastri

    Maria Gracia Ogliastri


    Always a pleasure to see them and work with them! They will work double the amount that it is expected and at all times respectful and professional. Hoping to work together again in the near future.

Bloemist in de buurt

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