Julien Boutique in Amsterdam

NederlandJulien Boutique



🕗 openingstijden

7, Gasthuismolensteeg, 1016 AM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 1919
website: julienboutiques.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3721531, Longitude: 4.8877537

opmerkingen 5

  • Robby Braat

    Robby Braat


  • John Butler-Gould

    John Butler-Gould


    Situated in the premises of the former Brillen Museum (Spectacles and eye glass museum), with its glorious architectural features and stained glass windows, Julien Boutique is a florist shop where they are truly passionate about flowers. With great displays both inside and outside the building, it is a favourite spot for passing tourists to take photographs. Here you can purchase stunning floral arrangements and bouquets which are lovingly created with great attention to detail. The prices are very reasonable, especially when compared to other florists in the area.The staff are very obliging and happy to assist in making your selection, making this a welcome addition to the neighbourhood..

  • Welly Resident

    Welly Resident


    I was expecting to pay top price on this location but they made me a beautiful bouquet for a awesome price. Recommended!

  • alaa ammar

    alaa ammar


    The guy who work there he didn’t answer my question when i ask him about one plant he was so ruud and he left down stirs after o try again to be nice just because i love the plant that is not mean u can be ruud with customers

  • Olga Solovei

    Olga Solovei


    Great location for a flower shop, easy to access by bike, car or public transport. Prices are surprisingly low for the look , style and quality of bouquets! Will order again definitely!👏🏽😍

Bloemist in de buurt

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