Powders Laundrette in Amsterdam

NederlandPowders Laundrette



🕗 openingstijden

56, Kerkstraat, 1017 GM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Niederlande
contacten telefoon: +31 6 57412403
website: powders-laundrette.business.site
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.365037, Longitude: 4.885888

opmerkingen 5

  • Rick Zuzow

    Rick Zuzow


    I dropped in while traveling. Even though they offer single-serve detergent and the machines seem easy enough to figure out, it made more sense to go for full service. For small loads (under 6kg), 15 euros gets you great service with an exceptionally quick turnaround.

  • Victoria Fofana

    Victoria Fofana


    We arrived at 19:52 but it was closed. So we went to a cafe for 15 minutes, we came back and we did our laundry. Was awesome!

  • en

    Tom Channon


    I got way more than I bargained for when I visited here yesterday to quickly dry off a soaking wet garment. I am from the UK where most people know me as a pleasant, friendly, and reasonable guy; making how I was treated by Powders Launderette all the more confusing and distressing for me. Thinking that no one would challenge me or bat an eyelid at me using the tumble dryers, a gentleman (who is apparently husband to the owner) insisted on getting into what I'd ordinarily call a 'pissing contest' with me about when it is acceptable to use the dryers (in his opinion); from what I could decipher from his ramblings, the two options he gave were when the shirt was wet from the rain, or from when just being removed from the washing machine, and a soaking wet garment as a result of being left on the shower room floor of my hostel (as was the case for me) apparently didn't fit into this. Not being quite sure how to respond, I told him that the two don't really cancel each other out. He refused to let the matter drop, and subjected me to unnecessarily intimidatory phrases such as "We have rules; please accept them" and "Why are you smiling" as I often do involuntarily when someone is being rude and aggressive to me. Utterly shaken by his behaviour, I could barely concentrate on reading the instructions, which he then went on to explain in a deliberately patronising tone. At this stage, it was all I could do not to smack him one or call him an obscene name. It took a total of three 10-minute cycles on high to get the shirt nearly dry. If there is such a thing as a happy ending to this story, the owner (who I spoke to a little later) seemed far more reasonable and explained the science behind her husband's ramblings. I attempted to joke with her and make pleasant conversation with her with mixed results, and her relatively sane manner was enough to boost this review to 2 stars. I didn't see the husband again, thankfully. I'm quite surprised (and suspicious) at the positive reviews and ratings this place seems to have garnered; as a British visitor, I see it as an indictment of the rude and aggressive nature of Amsterdam business owners who will pick apart your soul without apology. I only hope they see this and learn how to treat tourists equally as well as people from their own country; although I suspect they will either laugh off this review or pretend not to understand it. Which I don't mind if they do, as it would validate all the critical points I've made.

  • Tiago César Oliveira

    Tiago César Oliveira


    Self service laundry. The owner was there to teach us how to operate the machines, but it's pretty straightforward if you just spend 3 minutes to read the instructions in the payment panel. Price was very honest and in the usual range to this kind of service. Also, the location is great and you can drop a bag of clothes for them to wash for you, and then spend a couple hours walking around. If needed, I will definitely use their service again. Also, for Brazilians: the owner is from Brazil and her husband loves our culture. So, he will try to speak Portuguese with you :)

  • Michael Castelaz

    Michael Castelaz


    Easy to get to from all over Amsterdam. They can do up to 6 kgs of laundry for 15 euro. Above 6kg is 20. As a tourist, I dropped off two loads of laundry here. I had both back within 4 hours with everything accounted for. They also have fragrance free detergent if you have sensitive skin or allergies.

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