Ferdinand Bol Fine Tailors in Amsterdam

NederlandFerdinand Bol Fine Tailors



🕗 openingstijden

2, Ferdinand Bolstraat, 1072 LJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 671 4178
website: www.tailorcompare.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.357855, Longitude: 4.8906906

opmerkingen 4

  • nl

    de Togamaker Amsterdam


    ambachtelijk, kundig, aardig en op tijd, vraag bij een ambachtsman nooit om haast, dat hoort niet, echt vakwerk zoals zij dat doen wordt zeldzaam.

  • nl

    Omar De boer


    De beste kleermaker van Amsterdam.

  • Martijn Geleijnse

    Martijn Geleijnse


    I definitely do recommend this place. Been coming here for years, owners are always friendly and true craftsmen that fix my jeans and shirts exactly to my needs. Very good value for money.

  • en

    Pj Nix


    I do not recommend this place. I took a good jacket, my favorite jacket, actually, in to be cleaned. The jacket cost me 275 euro. When I went to pick it up, they said they'd lost my jacket. They said they needed a month to look for it. Okay, I can understand that, I was patient. One month turned into two. I returned to their place of business and asked if they'd found my jacket. The owner said they could not find it, and said, well, screamed actually, the guy was fiercely unreasonable and insulting, said it was not their responsibility, and that I "was being childish to care about a jacket when there were people dying in the world." Yes, he actually screamed that at me. He said I could talk to Cihan, some other guy somewhere else, "he is responsible, not us," he shouted. So I spoke with Cihan on the phone and he agreed to meet with to talk about how to resolve this matter, and he said, "We will make good on our error." He also said, no lie, "Don't worry, we loose clothes many, many times. We take clothes from many big hotels, we loose very expensive Armani suit, dress, more than just your jacket, it happen all the time. We have bad employees," and then went on to talk about how he has fired one woman, etc. A week later I took off work one afternoon to meet Cihan as scheduled, but he no-showed. I texted him, he responded he was out of town and would call me the following Wednesday morning. He did not call. So I called, I texted, I emailed him for 2 weeks to try and reschedule a meeting, or have a conversation, something. I received no response. Finally I gave up, too busy to keep chasing this, which I can only assume is what he was waiting for. I'll buy a new jacket, not the end of the world, but I would not recommend anyone do business with Ferdinand Bol Fine Tailors, unless you don't mind this way of doing business.

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