Star Meetlat in Amsterdam

NederlandStar Meetlat



🕗 openingstijden

144, Elandsgracht, 1016 VC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 420 9747
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.369064, Longitude: 4.878514

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Richard -


    Altijd te korte spijkerbroeken, ondanks dat je nog zo duidelijk aangeeft dat het langer moet

  • Jeff Lam

    Jeff Lam


    Great place to tailor your denim. Great job on repairs too!

  • Fabian Matthews

    Fabian Matthews


  • The Friendly Host

    The Friendly Host


    Fanatische mensen. Fantastische werk. Ik kom er al meer dan 10 jaar. Aanrader voor al je kleding reparaties!

  • en

    Amanda Adrienne


    Star Meetlat should be avoided as they destroyed my clothes and refused to refund the dry cleaning cost. Two of the six items came back ruined. Another two came back still soiled, covered in lint and hair. All of the clothes had dry cleaning residue on them. I brought back the items to show them. They acted quickly, took out a huge pair of scissors, and cut the lining of one of the damaged items. Before they could apply glue to "repair" it, I stopped them. When I asked for a refund for the cost of cleaning, they refused. It's the cheapest in the area, but you pay for what you get. I'd recommend looking elsewhere for good dry cleaning, such as Wasserette Stomerij de Eland around the corner on Hazenstraat that charges €1-2 euros more per each item, but does a far better job. They even provided recommendations on what to do with my ruined items. In short: Star Meetlat's dry cleaning service will ruin your clothes and charge you for it with a smile.

Wasserij in de buurt

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