De Oost Bespoke Tailoring BV in Amsterdam

NederlandDe Oost Bespoke Tailoring BV



🕗 openingstijden

179H, Bilderdijkstraat, 1053 KR, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 681 5792
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3669861, Longitude: 4.87266

opmerkingen 5

  • Sam Browne

    Sam Browne


    Amazing service. Top notch result! Talked me through the whole process with great professionalism and advised me on what would and wouldn't work from my ideas. Finished suit was beyond my hopes. Truly amazing. I cannot recommend enough!

  • Pierre Hulk

    Pierre Hulk


    I came here 2 years ago to get 2 suits. It was just perfect. I have a difficult shape body to get satisfied with suit but I was when I came to De Oost. Amy and Jean Paul convinced me thanks to their knowledge and "savoir faire". The price is definitively worth the service and the suit. That is actually why I came back here 2 years after

  • Gautier Vidal

    Gautier Vidal


    I went to De Oost Bespoke to get my wedding suit prepared. It's just awesome how Amy and Jean-Paul manage to listen and advise you according to your needs and preferences. I'll come back to this place if I need anything else in the future! The whole suit fits perfectly and fabrics are top quality!

  • Theo Rogers

    Theo Rogers


    I had a very pleasant experience! Incredibly attentive and interested to know why I was after the suit I was after. Went the extra mile in helping to explain different styles, colours and measurements.

  • Jay Chenault

    Jay Chenault


    They were really great and helpful, really accomodating.

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