Newmarket Clothing Repair & Cleaning in Amsterdam

NederlandNewmarket Clothing Repair & Cleaning



🕗 openingstijden

3H, Sint Antoniesbreestraat, 1011 HB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 623 0120
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3716892, Longitude: 4.9005301

opmerkingen 5

  • Emma



    My flared pants where made shorter perfectly, ready within a few hours. I would highly recommend going here!

  • Kay G

    Kay G


    I brought them a pair of pants because I needed to get the drawstring fixed. I fully expected it to be ready in a couple days. But they asked if I could wait and they fixed them in five minutes! And the price was very reasonable. I look forward to doing lots of business here.

  • Brian Gorrie

    Brian Gorrie


    They replaced the zipper on my Acne jacket and it looks amazing. It was a rather rare zip color but they color matched it to my jacket absolutely perfectly - could not be happier! :D

  • Jean LEGUY

    Jean LEGUY


    I went to this shop to taylor a suit I bought, that I needed quite urgently. They did the job perfectly well and very fast. 5/5 I recommend!

  • Koen Schellekens

    Koen Schellekens


    High quality, fast & friendly service! My favourite vegan leather backpack broke and they repaired it superbly in less than a day. Really happy about the result.

Wasserij in de buurt

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