PostNL Postkantoor in Amsterdam

NederlandPostNL Postkantoor



🕗 openingstijden

65, Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat, 1054 BT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3632176, Longitude: 4.8752748

opmerkingen 5

  • Rahi Dehzani

    Rahi Dehzani


    Useless staff.

  • Michał Garmulewicz

    Michał Garmulewicz


    They are rude in a special way, just by doing it for years they know how to press your buttons. Think you are tough? Try going there. "You have to leave or I will kick your boxes out on the street". "And I will help" - chips in (in Dutch of course) a thuggy guy from the omni-present queue. You should just change your name to "NOT FOR FOREIGNERS" BV ;)

  • Mark Goossens

    Mark Goossens


    Not the most polite people on the planet indeed Im Dutch, so has not much to do with being foreighner or not. šŸ§” šŸ˜

  • Pedja L.

    Pedja L.


    rude employees. i will not go back there

  • colombe



    The blond lady working there is extremely rude. I might not like foreigners ? I went two times and both time had a bad experience. I will go to overtoom in the future.

Postkantoor in de buurt

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