PostNL Postkantoor in Amsterdam

NederlandPostNL Postkantoor



🕗 openingstijden

25C, Alexander Boersstraat, 1071 KV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3581801, Longitude: 4.8774858

opmerkingen 5

  • Fiii



    HAHA I thought the people in these reviews were overreacting, but they’re all TRUE. While returning a package, she found it necessary to mention (in the rudest way possible) how much she hates people that return packages 🤨 uhhhh well oke, maybe you should look for another job than instead of working at an PostNL point!

  • Doorjé Animashaun

    Doorjé Animashaun


    I urge you to NOT visit this place. The owner verbally assaulted/attacked me and threw my packages on the ground. I came back a second time to double check if I made a mistake during the shipping process. She started frowning and expressing negative comments. I told her that her energy was unwelcoming and there was no reason for her to treat people this way. Turns out her husband died... however this is no excuse to treat paying customers in such manner. She also threaten to call the cops on me if I ever returned to her store. Please ship your packages somewhere else guys. The owner is delusional and unethical in so many ways.

  • Gilli Miles

    Gilli Miles


    Very helpful and friendly. Always welcoming. Always makes sure my favorite pens are in stock.

  • NM



    For some reason no matter what request I go in with there always seems to be complaints from the lady who works there. The cost is too low, you can’t pay by card, you are bringing the package at the wrong time of day, the writing is wrong, the time of collection of a letter is wrong and so on. The Dutch do not seem to get the same treatment, in front of me she has been polite and considerate to them no matter what the issue...

  • Eternal Hope

    Eternal Hope


    I have unfortunately had multiple bad experiences here, and from speaking to friends it appears that I am not alone. Treatment appears to depend upon whether Dutch is your first language.

Postkantoor in de buurt

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