DHL Express Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandDHL Express Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

114, Van Baerlestraat, 1071 BC, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3554655, Longitude: 4.8802048

opmerkingen 5

  • Daner Ferhadi

    Daner Ferhadi


    Terrible service. Lady at the store messed up the customs forms on a shipment to the US. The shipment was held in customs for weeks and is now being returned to sender. I missed out on a sale because of this, and I had specifically gone into the store, physically, so that I could get help with international shipping and customs forms.

  • Emmanuel Mukwiza

    Emmanuel Mukwiza


    Well did place is awesome a place for lovers and family there's a nice park and there also hidden art some where can't tell you tho😉 but there shops museum's and a bunch of others stuff to enjoy

  • Anand bikram yadav

    Anand bikram yadav


    Not helpful. Missing my order from 5 days .its says my orders is delivered but never received it . I think they steal my orders.

  • François B. Photos

    François B. Photos


    Very efficient DHL shop. The place is clean, the team is really efficient, friendly and professional. Good experience to collect a package.

  • ahmed al-hatwa

    ahmed al-hatwa


    I have never seen such a professional and professional staff. I sent a message across them very quickly, they treated well and always smiled on their faces.

Postkantoor in de buurt

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