PostNL Pakketpunt in Amsterdam

NederlandPostNL Pakketpunt



🕗 openingstijden

40, Bilderdijkstraat, 1052 NB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3713625, Longitude: 4.8702661

opmerkingen 1

  • Vera van de Nieuwenhof

    Vera van de Nieuwenhof


    Don't go here to send packages. I sent two, and was lucky that one arrived more or less intact. Both of them: I wanted to give the name of the recipient but the girl said that no name of recipient was needed. Strange, as there might be multiple people living at one address... Both packages were sent with only postcode and street name and number. The first one (sent to an address in NL) needed more tape. I didn't have it at home so I asked if they could put better tape on it or if I should buy some. The girl told me she would pack it better, but in the end it arrived just as poorly packed as I brought it to the shop. So don't trust them when they say they will pack it better for you! The second one was sent to Germany but never arrived, apparently because there was no name on the label. I used track and trace but since I no longer live in NL there was no return address. It's lost and can't be found anymore, despite using track and trace.

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