in Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

482, Keizersgracht, 1017 EG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 47031026
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3662616, Longitude: 4.8851629

opmerkingen 3

  • Natalia Hoogenraad

    Natalia Hoogenraad


  • Vincent



    Think with you. We had a winter bet and Natalia came up with good ideas and which flowers we could use. We have had a lot of contact about our wishes and Natalia also takes the style and color of your dress into account. Very professional. Flexible in arrangements, were able to choose when and at what time we could pick up the bouquet so that it came in handy for us. Natalia is also very friendly!

  • Elies Bergboer

    Elies Bergboer


    Flower styling to the last detail .... that was certainly the case in our case. Our beautiful afternoon location was even more beautiful because of the beautiful flowers. Unique ... I wanted to forget-me-nots while it was not at all in the season, and yet Natalia succeeded, this beautiful flower provided exactly the twist that I was looking for, great! And then my little book, the composition, the colors, the flowers, this little book brought everything together, my dress, my husband's suit, the bridesmaids in one word FANTASTIC. Natalia listened to my wishes very well and translated this into a beautiful bouquet, a beautiful corsage, beautiful flowers on the table and a large flower arrangement on our sweet table. Dear Natalia, keep it up!

Bloemist in de buurt

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