Amsterdam Luggage Storage in Amsterdam

NederlandAmsterdam Luggage Storage



🕗 openingstijden

110, Spuistraat, 1012 VA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 362 7106
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3747265, Longitude: 4.8903886

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Megan Muller


    Very glad to have found this place. Good rates and owner is very friendly.

  • Steve Van Der Meer

    Steve Van Der Meer


  • en

    Rajneesh pal


    A good place to hold luggage and travel around Amsterdam

  • Abraham Mathew

    Abraham Mathew


    Effortless process. Very friendly staff. Our luggage was left in the back storage in the custody of the man at the counter. No lockers, identification tokens or otherwise we're provided but he assured us we would only need to identify ourselves to match the info on the baggage and he'd bring it back when we returned.

  • ian Cowley

    ian Cowley


    Was greeted by a very friendly guy who was a great deal of help. They not only do bag storage but rent bikes also. There are no deposits, other shops had a £150 deposit each bike. But if you lose your bike you pay a larger amount compared to others of £500. This is ok. You have to be stupid to lose your bike. You are given good locking solutions so you just cannot lose it if you use them.

Opslagruimte in de buurt

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