WheelGood | Bike Rental, Sales, Repairs & Luggage Storage in Amsterdam

NederlandWheelGood | Bike Rental, Sales, Repairs & Luggage Storage



🕗 openingstijden

22, Oudezijds Armsteeg, 1012 GP, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 53631973
website: www.wheelgood.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3755918, Longitude: 4.8992717

opmerkingen 5

  • Michael Field

    Michael Field


    Reasonable price for a puncture repair and the friendliest and most professional service I have encountered in Amsterdam.

  • Bassem Dghaidy

    Bassem Dghaidy


    Perfect service and affordable pricing! It’s definitely my default go to shop for bike repairs now.

  • Dominik Luthe

    Dominik Luthe


    Repaired the inner tube of my bike wheel super quick and affordably. Even though the owner was out on another repair job for a while, he still organised someone to open the store and already assess the bike so I did not have to wait. Personal and reliable service. Definitely my local main bike repair store as long as I live around the corner!

  • Danielle Jantzi

    Danielle Jantzi


    Great, reasonably priced bikes. The bicycles were clearly well maintained. Pricing was clear with no hidden charges. It was a very positive experience overall!

  • Jolu traks

    Jolu traks


    Great service, amazing staff. This is the place you can count on for bicycle rental in Amsterdam. We had a magnificent weekend cycling around the city. This is the best way to enjoy the sights. They also provide luggage storage which is very convenient because they are just steps from the Central Station. And what about the name? I must admit that we felt WheelGood after this experience.

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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