Eazydrop in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

9, Droogbak, 1013 GG, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 370 6796
website: eazydropamsterdam.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3799433, Longitude: 4.8936876

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Kat Insall


    A useful service with friendly staff. I paid in advance and when we returned later than expected they did not charge me any extra.

  • en

    jonathan cook


    FAKE REVIEWS posted by AirBNB hosts. This place is a scam. Stay away! Don't rent bikes here. They don't offer insurance. Over 60,000 bikes are stolen in Amsterdam per year. Go somewhere and pay the extra 3 or 4 euros. This place is a scam. If you pick up your key for an airbnb rental, they know where you are staying. I had my key. Spent a day on my holiday going back and forth between Eazydrop and the police. The police asked for the bike serial number and the contract, neither which Eazydrop could provide. Even police said it was a scam. Review below from Pat Sablan is fake. Pat manages airbnb rentals and has his clients pick up the key at Eazydrop. Is Pat a partner at Eazydrop? Stay away from Eazydrop.

  • fr

    aymeric garnier


    Parfait pour laisser ses bagages avant de rejoindre son logement ou son hôtel. Nos clef nous y attendaient aussi. Accueille sympa avec pleins de conseils pour notre séjour.

  • en



    Unfortunately we had to deal with an obnoxious and rude young man (blonde hair, probably fresh out of high school) who treated us like s**t for absolutely no reason. Besides his nasty and arrogant behaviour, he seems like he has a tendency to blame his clients for mistakes he committed himself If you guys are usually as rude with you clients as this young man was with us, then you don't deserve to stay in business. I do not recommend Eazydrop either for dropping your luggage (you can do that at Amsterdam Centraal) or for potential business partners like Airbnb property management companies and Airbnb hosts. Do not subcontract with them ! PS: Looks like the owner bought some fake reviews to make up for the bad ones...

  • nl

    Simon Sliepen


    Voor goede service

Opslagruimte in de buurt

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