Lockerpoint Luggage Storage Damrak in Amsterdam

NederlandLockerpoint Luggage Storage Damrak



🕗 openingstijden

247, Damrak, 1012 ZJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 221 8920
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3747092, Longitude: 4.8954522

opmerkingen 5

  • Ali Al-Saadi

    Ali Al-Saadi


    Perfect for storing luggage. Does the job well




    Luggage Storage at Damrak 247 provides an essential service for the traveller. it is conveniently located, easy to find, easy to use and reasonably priced. One could not ask for more. Definitely 5 star.

  • Bishwas Sharma

    Bishwas Sharma


    This locker service is excellent. The lockers are operated by a screen so it is like a self-serve machine where you don't really have to deal with the staff while locking and unlocking. The locker even had a power plug inside which I used to charge my powerbank while I was exploring the city. Right next to the tram station and affordable price. They also rent out bikes here.

  • Dave



    Walked in, picked a locker, paid using card and touch screen interface, walked away much lighter. Perfect. Was in a cycle repair shop so it was secure. I'd use again without hesitation.

  • Kelly Hodgson

    Kelly Hodgson


    We arrived very early to Amsterdam and were leaving very late and was concerned about having to drag our luggage around all day. Saw this place advertised and used it twice! It’s superb- a few minutes walk from Amsterdam Central train station. The lockers are big enough for two bags (hand luggage size) and you can come back as many times as you like to put things in the locker (shopping) of take things out as needed. The staff are friendly. I would recommend and would use it again.

Opslagruimte in de buurt

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