S.W. de Vries Verhuizingen Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandS.W. de Vries Verhuizingen Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

41 3, Amstel, 1011 PV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 16560627
website: www.swdevriesverhuizingen.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3663696, Longitude: 4.9018405

opmerkingen 5

  • Sham Chohan

    Sham Chohan


    Really good company for moving home. I contacted Stefan on short notice as another Almere based company cancelled on me last minute and Stefan was incredibly helpful. Be booked everything in, turned up on time and completed the move within 2-3 hours. He also gave me a very affordable price. Will 100% use this company again. 10/10.

  • nettie boekie

    nettie boekie


    Neat, fair, reliable and affordable. I hope I don't have to move any more for the time being, but otherwise I know where to go.

  • Herman Bakker

    Herman Bakker


    good company and honors agreements without damage

  • Joey Most

    Joey Most


    Recommended if you want to move affordably and want to be provided with all conveniences: packing service, moving lift, insured transport, etc. All my belongings have been moved safely and damage-free from Amsterdam to Haarlem. One of the best moving companies in Amsterdam if you ask me!

  • J Cman

    J Cman


    I owned my own business for many years and can say with some certainty that the difference between an average company and amazing company is how the company deals with tricky customer situations. S. W. de Vries is one such amazing company. During our move it was discovered that a large cabinet could not be immediately be dismantled without extra tools and resources. Their solution was to return within a few days to assists in taking the cabinet to the original destination. This is a clear example of a company going out of its way to ensure that the customer is looked after. Many thanks to Stefan and his team for their excellent work! Best of luck in 2019!

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