Zensaties in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

2, Eerste Laurierdwarsstraat, 1016 PV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 24609719
website: www.zensaties.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3724816, Longitude: 4.8802689

opmerkingen 5

  • Christelle Conti

    Christelle Conti


    My experience at Zensaties was great. The place smelled really good and the ambiance was very calming. Kyra immediately made me feel welcomed as soon as I arrived and even after the therapy. She was very attentive and gave me a lot of space to talk about what I needed. If you are going for a therapy here for the first time, I'd recommend booking for at least 1.5hrs so you can get the most out of the session.

  • Imran Cakir

    Imran Cakir


    I went for a reiki session and felt very welcomed and comfortable. Not only is the studio and exerperience beautiful, but so is Kyra & her energy. I wasn't fully sure what to expect from the reiki session, but Kyra really helped me to come to peace and relax. I felt super light after the session. Definitely would recommend!

  • LĂ©a Pham Van

    LĂ©a Pham Van


    Great massages! Kyra is super talented, full of positive energy and her massages are so relaxing. She is also great at spotting which part of the body needs more attention to release the pressure.

  • juliette laplane

    juliette laplane


    Kyra is regularly coming to my Company to make employees some massages as a benefit organised by my company. Her massage are absolutely fantastic, she is really good to directly feel the points of tension, and transfer you good energy. I recommend +++++ Zenzaties

  • Amy Lawrenson

    Amy Lawrenson


    I went in for a deep tissue massage and it was amazing, afterwards I felt much more relaxed than I had in weeks. Kyra is extremely intuitive and professional. She has a lovely welcoming nature and I will definitely be back for another massage and to try reiki. I highly recommend booking in!

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