K/C Move Pilates Studio - KinetiCode in Amsterdam

NederlandK/C Move Pilates Studio - KinetiCode



🕗 openingstijden

93A, Rozengracht, 1016 LT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 777 6233
website: www.kcmove.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3730637, Longitude: 4.8799753

opmerkingen 5

  • Emily Smith

    Emily Smith


    AMAZING! The quality of the trainers, welcoming atmosphere is impeccable. Finally in Amsterdam i found a studio where Reformer and barre classes have an high standard!!!

  • Dolly Popley

    Dolly Popley


    The best pilates studio in Amsterdam. Margherita & her teachers are super knowledgeable and guide you correctly thru the movements. The studio is nice, bright & clean.

  • Vannesha Mae

    Vannesha Mae


    Lovely staff & great workouts!

  • Ieva U

    Ieva U


    One of the best pilates studios I’ve ever been to! Professional staff and the studio is beautiful as well. So happy they have online classes now. I recommend it.

  • Lieke V

    Lieke V


    Good, modern, light and clean space! Like the fact they have so many classes, also before working hours. I only do reformer pilates, classes are hit and miss depending on the instructor. Some are not correcting you at all and more focused on sequens at the cost of correct posture & technique, others (like for example Arno) are really great in making sure everyone is focusing on technique but making it fun at the same time. Biggest downside is that they don’t have the teacher’s names on the class schedule, so you never know beforehand whether it will be a good teacher or an average one. Really wish they would change that!

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