It's Just Therapy, vind een therapeut in Amsterdam

NederlandIt's Just Therapy, vind een therapeut



🕗 openingstijden

11, Jacob van Lennepstraat, 1053 HA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 30411883
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3669451, Longitude: 4.8761798

opmerkingen 5

  • Kassandra Goddijn

    Kassandra Goddijn


    It's Just Therapy is an excellent intermediary for counselors. You get a nice spacious profile page where you can say a lot. Your clients can leave reviews with a star rating. When you receive requests for guidance, we always check whether you are following them up. Very carefully! You can also post blogs that increase your visibility. I am very satisfied with this platform and recommend it to every supervisor, both in and outside Amsterdam. I myself am located in the Utrechtse Heuvelrug, but I get many clients from It's Just Therapy.

  • Naoual chawkat

    Naoual chawkat


    As a starting therapist, the website 'It's Just Therapy' was a game changer for me. Suddenly more visibility and awareness by potential customers looking for alternative treatments. Customer service is also of top quality. When I receive an application via the website, I receive a reminder by email from 'It's just therapy' that I have an application waiting for my response (I call that pampering, your own business butler ...!). In reality, I receive more requests through It's just therapy than through my own website (70% of my new customers in 2020 were through It's just therapy).

  • San de Rooij

    San de Rooij


    Scam first class. Do not make a deposit, do not go into business with this woman anyway. because you can whistle your money San

  • Esther van den Wildenberg

    Esther van den Wildenberg


    A friend tipped me on the beautiful Platform It's Just Therapy where therapist and client can find each other. I immediately resonated with it and had a nice introduction to Saskia. As a therapist I am easy to find via IJT (first page on Google if you are looking for Healing in Utrecht :))! There are always nice clients on my path who regularly return when they need it. The collaboration with Saskia and Wouter is great, they are very involved with their 'child', nice to notice. Recommended for both therapist and client to take this step, feel welcome :)! In Light & Love, Esther van den Wildenberg Healing practice Sanistrella, Utrecht

  • GAEA Healing Arts & WellBeing

    GAEA Healing Arts & WellBeing


    Very coincidentally I ended up on the site of "Its Just Therapy" when I was looking for a therapist myself! The site appealed to me immediately when I looked at the wide range of therapists from different disciplines and read their profiles. I had just started my practice, had no website yet and wondered if this was the solution? And luckily, with guidance from Saskia Beugel, I managed to have a (now) thriving practice on the site !! I am very happy that I am found among all other therapists (ao via google search where I seem to score high) and therefore I can heartily recommend every therapist, coach, healer etc to become part of this beautiful network !! Another nice thing about the site is that you can name almost everything you have on offer. I say to all fellow travelers: "just do it!"

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