JORDAN M HAIR in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

172, Spuistraat, 1012 VT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 211 7404
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3726676, Longitude: 4.8892661

opmerkingen 5

  • Cher Babb

    Cher Babb


    An amazing artist, love his work! And very understanding..

  • Shann Acebes

    Shann Acebes


    It was my first time coming to Jordan and he did such an amazing job! My hair was still healthy and salon quality way after! I love it !

  • Defne Saral

    Defne Saral


    I’ve been coming to Jordan for several years. He creates summer highlights that are natural and fresh, and winter brunette to keep me in line with the seasons ;-) Very engaging, personal service and conversation. I always go away feeling like I’ve had a hair transformation.

  • Thea Hoekstra

    Thea Hoekstra


    By far the best hairdresser I’ve ever been to! Absolutely wonderful cut, great styling and Jordan works with the best natural products.

  • Shauni Bodine

    Shauni Bodine


    Jordan is my favorite hairdresser in Amsterdam. He took my French bob with bangs to a whole new level. The location is also central and convenient. I also love the fact that he is professional, passionate and also fun in conversation. If you want your hair being handled with care I highly recommend going to Jordan!

Schoonheidssalon in de buurt

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