Wok To Walk in Amsterdam

NederlandWok To Walk



🕗 openingstijden

96, Leidsestraat, 1017 PE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 427 6960
website: woktowalk.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3647458, Longitude: 4.883608

opmerkingen 5

  • Dinesh Gupta

    Dinesh Gupta


    This place is good for a lot of reasons. You can have a quick bite protions are filling . vegeterian food is also available. Not much wait time. Best part is to see the chefs cooking in front of you. Quick service.

  • simona ghituran

    simona ghituran


    I recommend it. I ate here twice and the food was delicious. as a plus, you can see how your food is prepared.

  • Christodoulos



    Really good food! It's overcrowded though cause the restaurant is small and it's at a busy district... Besides that, everything is cool

  • krzytom78



    Chain and very busy place. Got barely warm dish mainly due to cooking (warming up) time approx 30-40 sec. You’ll be priced per indigent with not so clear on price menu. Your initial impression €8,50 might end up €12,50. For that price you might be better off with restaurant meal. Will avoid in future.

  • en

    Mohammad Al Yami


    In this restaurant, you get to create your own dish. Choice your base of either of noodles, rice, or mixed veggies base, and add on anything else you want. Select chicken, beef, shrimp or mushrooms for your protein, and add veggies like broccoli, or many other. The restaurant usually has a long crowd, but it moves along quickly. However, it is harder to find a place to sit and have your food. Either way, it's yummy and worth the money and the wait.

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