Restaurant Moeders in Amsterdam

NederlandRestaurant Moeders



🕗 openingstijden

251, Rozengracht, 1016 SX, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 626 7957
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3717761, Longitude: 4.8750219

opmerkingen 5

  • Mary Bello Ruiz

    Mary Bello Ruiz


    Very cosy family restaurant. 🥔🥬🐄 They offer hearty traditional dishes and have pictures of mothers hanging all over the walls. 📝 The service was the highlight, super friendly and attentive waitresses. 💰 Affordable prices, but I thought it was a bit expensive.

  • Alex Pazuchanics

    Alex Pazuchanics


    Really affable staff. The food is great, stick-to-your+stomach home cooking. The vibe is very cool- friendly and family oriented (though I was not the only person there eating alone).

  • Markus Shiweda

    Markus Shiweda


    This is a very nice place for dinner. It may not look super 5 stars when looking with eyes, but the service, meals and the environment is just giving that comfort you have long missed. As a family we loved their traditional dish.

  • Daniel Nove

    Daniel Nove


    Friendly stuff and delicious food. What I really liked, that it was quite late and me and my girlfriend decided to take one soup, main dish, and desert to share, and there was absolute understanding. Very happy 😊

  • Jacob



    The best lunch in Amsterdam. When I taste the ribs with fries and soup it takes me for a journey to home. It was delicious. I recommend you to try it and talk with waitresses (they are very helpful and kind). ❤️❤️🇳🇱

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