Wok To Go Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam

NederlandWok To Go Rembrandtplein



🕗 openingstijden

20, Reguliersbreestraat, 1017 CN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 737 0066
website: www.woktogo.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3666344, Longitude: 4.894144

opmerkingen 5

  • Valentin Șerban

    Valentin Șerban


    Good food . The staff is little cold and distance, but I come from food 🙃

  • Lee Ross

    Lee Ross


    Fast service. Tasty dishes. Very clean

  • Monika Bottankova

    Monika Bottankova


    Self-service restaurant, food perfect and it is ready very quickly. But if you want food, for example, without some vegetables or other ingredients, and you go to the staff, it takes a long time for them to notice you, and in the meantime the food is ready.

  • Robert Lebshier

    Robert Lebshier


    Portions are large but the flavors are really bland. I created my own wok dish and chose the black pepper sauce. They managed to make black pepper taste mild and forgettable. My wife's tofu wok dish had red curry sauce and was just as bland. Do yourself a favor and go to Wok to Walk on the same street.

  • Laura Petković

    Laura Petković


    Won’t discuss the taste because it’s a cheap restaurant chain. But they can at least give you what you paid for. We ordered two meals with extra toppings and meat but didn’t get it. The sauce was okay.

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