Restaurant De Sneeker Pan in Amsterdam

NederlandRestaurant De Sneeker Pan



🕗 openingstijden

48, Kerkstraat, 1017 GM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 3660
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3652576, Longitude: 4.8855124

opmerkingen 5

  • Rezrow



    Le personnel est très agréable . Les plats sont délicieux et le rapport qualité prix est parfait . Je le recommande vivement !

  • en

    Richard Dodd


    Very small inside but the food and service is Great, would go back again

  • Tiago César Oliveira

    Tiago César Oliveira


    Food was ok, with a good price. We paid 4 euros for the "big" orange juice, but in fact the cup was not what I would judge as "big". Staff is friendly and service is fast.

  • Koke Núñez Gómez

    Koke Núñez Gómez


    Incredible! We loved it! We ordered 2 pancakes and coffee and they were delicious! You should try it. The personal was also very kind and friendly. 100% recommended!!

  • Stephanie M

    Stephanie M


    I really wish I could give this place more than 5 stars because their cheese burger is by far the best piece of food I have ever put into my mouth. Their food in general is incredible! The staff were so lovely and accommodating to us as well, even though none of us spoke a lick of Dutch. The interior is beautiful too. Really miss this place.

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