Traiterie Chef | Traiteur & Patisserie in Amsterdam

NederlandTraiterie Chef | Traiteur & Patisserie



🕗 openingstijden

5, Raamsteeg, 1012 VZ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 671 5500
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3701615, Longitude: 4.8886425

opmerkingen 5

  • Huw Tippett

    Huw Tippett


    Lovely little family-run home-made coffee/cake/chocolates/savories cafe. Absolutely great. Try the fresh mint tea and lemon meringue pie 😊🙌🏼

  • Ricardo Freitas

    Ricardo Freitas


    One of the friendliest and hardworking staff in Amsterdam with incredible service and undoubtedly some of the tastiest and creative treats I came across in the city.

  • I H

    I H


    Cake was fine, service rude. Once we were done with eating the guy told us to leave? This was in the middle of the day (not closing time) & there were no any other customers. No need to visit again :)

  • Lyubov Miteva

    Lyubov Miteva


    Super stoked to have stumbled onto this gem of a place. Everything in the cabinet looks absolutely amazing, and it was very hard to choose what to eat. The food is delicious! And it's clear this is a family business that a lot of work goes into. Looking forward to ordering a whole cake from here!

  • Funny peet

    Funny peet


    Just go there and you won't be disappointed :)

Bakkerij in de buurt

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