bbb health boutique | sporten in warmtecabines in Amsterdam

Nederlandbbb health boutique | sporten in warmtecabines



🕗 openingstijden

51, Hazenstraat, 1016 SN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 88 644 0020
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3701181, Longitude: 4.8803371

opmerkingen 5

  • Lucia Malvarez

    Lucia Malvarez


    Love it! Such an amazing group of women that make you feel right at home! You feel so good that you will enjoy working out every time you go!

  • Linsday Wong

    Linsday Wong


    I started BBB since a year ago and cannot image myself somewhere else working out. This is an unique concept in Amsterdam, very holistic, with a mind and body approach while having realistic goals. The coaches are very inspiring. There are many classes for 30 min, which are very effective. So as a busy working mom there is still no excuse to not working out. I high recommend BBB to all my friends.

  • Afsha Shabbir Khan

    Afsha Shabbir Khan


    Great effective and personalised workout plans and fun group classes. They also conduct group lessons in English!!

  • Jen Spencer

    Jen Spencer


    I've never had such a great sport club and seen such results. BBB is a community as much as a gym; I know the trainers and they know me. I love that coaching is included in the membership and the fact that it's clear that YOU set your own goals, not society or someone else's opinion of what your body should look like. The overall wellness perspective is great for me, but I've also seen incredible results in weight loss & strength. BBB's fast response to online during the pandemic helped keep me sane (and fit!) Very grateful that this is my neighborhood gym!

  • Tony G

    Tony G


    I just started training at bbb Health Boutique Jordaan. I really enjoy the hot cabin workout as well as the cardio. The place is really clean, nice with polite coaches that pay personal attention to your needs and goals. It is super clean and very well kept. I am looking forward to see results! See you at the gym!

Sportschool in de buurt

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