ABOUT MOVING in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

74, Keizersgracht, 1015 CT, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 12126613
website: about-moving.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.377946, Longitude: 4.887873

opmerkingen 5

  • Nathalie d'Hollosy

    Nathalie d'Hollosy


    Very professional and welcoming teachers, recommend this studio for group classes as well as private classes.

  • A.




  • Gijs Ganzeboom

    Gijs Ganzeboom


    Fantastic place most epic studio ever!

  • Meltem Aksu

    Meltem Aksu


    I have been attending basic mat classes with Anique - highly recommended! She vigilantly watches her students and guides/corrects whenever necessary. I have some lower back problems which caused pain after some yoga classes but never here! The intensity is just perfect for beginners, I don't even understand how the time goes by. I feel energized after the classes instead of drained out, and two days later I can feel that the muscles which had been long idle started coming back to life :) I have never been able to motivate myself to go to a gym, but it looks like I found just what I needed.

  • M Levin

    M Levin


    Beautiful space. Loved visiting, did pilates with a friend and had very personal advice and training. Have been going back ever since. Happy they had a beginners class for me. Everyone at About Moving are awesome.

Sportschool in de buurt

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