Lekker Bikes Head Quarters in Amsterdam

NederlandLekker Bikes Head Quarters


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

83-3, Oudeschans, 1011 KW, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 81878491
website: www.lekkerbikes.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.370157, Longitude: 4.902821

opmerkingen 5

  • es

    jose carlos herrera martin


    Buen lugar para todo lo relacionado y más en la capital europea de las bicicletas.

  • Ale Gómez

    Ale Gómez


    Half-empty store, closed way before its announced closing time... Thanks for the waste of time --- Reply-to-your-reply: Sorry but your response is not accurate. In the physical shop it still says that you are open. If you meant the "for rent" sign, it is unclear if you are coming in or leaving... And in google it still says that you are open until 19:00.

  • Jordan Condo

    Jordan Condo


    Pleasant experience. Warm staff. I bought a bike 🙂

  • en

    Thomas Roberts


    So many 'reviews' by users with only ONE review, shows the owner been playing with pseudonyms

  • Niels Ellegaard Hansen

    Niels Ellegaard Hansen


    Super service! they helped me find a super bike. sadly the bell broke after only one week, the support at Lekker Bikes was very helpful and sent me a new one right away. for now I'm happy with my bike and the Service. If anything changes Ill edit this post.

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