Bike 4 U in Amsterdam

NederlandBike 4 U



🕗 openingstijden

17HS, Geldersekade, 1011 EH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Países Bajos
contacten telefoon: +31 20 233 5367
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3756336, Longitude: 4.9024328

opmerkingen 5

  • Laura Heyworth

    Laura Heyworth


    Group of 9 of us hired bikes for a day to travel around north Amsterdam and the spoke broke on one of the bikes. We are now being charged €150 for 1 SPOKE being broken and he won’t provide us with any evidence how much the repairs will cost.

  • Romane Breysse

    Romane Breysse


    Terrible bike ... awful creaking noise... heavy... we even had to fix the chain...

  • O boe

    O boe


    Passport deposit scammers... :-) would otherwise be a healthy business model, if not for that tiny detail in their operations..

  • Juan Buis

    Juan Buis


    Closed 15 min before listed closing time. Come on, guys.

  • en

    Jay Vaja


    Great place to hire bikes. once we were out I needed the bike longer so called them at 5pm and was told I could keep the bike overnight with a small charge. Very reasonable prices and nice people. Thank you

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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