Suvi in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

267, Albert Cuypstraat, 1073 BH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 694 3416
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3571206, Longitude: 4.8988679

opmerkingen 5

  • Trinidad Lucero

    Trinidad Lucero


    I’ve ordered twice. Amazing sushi! Big pieces and tasty!

  • Gulnara Sagdieva

    Gulnara Sagdieva


    Food was nice! I loved warm crispy salmon rolls (highly recommended).

  • Ruben Brave

    Ruben Brave


    Unfortunately this restaurant is now one of the worst of Amsterdam. I’ve known Suvi since 2013 and the quality and delivery time was always great but the last year they keep having severe issues not only with delivery time but also the delivery itself. As for today I had to call them for 3 (!!!) times and actually currently we are still waiting. The first call was for the delivery time, as even after one full hour they did not deliver. The second time was because of the fact that they forgot a key dish. As they also did not keep their promise to deliver I had to call them again. Really dear people of Suvi...this is no fun eating... Good luck with your business and I sincerely hope you get your act together.

  • Azura Lasai

    Azura Lasai


    No sushi here. Just pho, noodle, rices dishes. Super great service not that busy. Very kind staff. Food tastes incredible.

  • craig mcgrath

    craig mcgrath


    Just happened to walk past and thought we would give it a try. The food was nice but nothing amazing. I was a bit put off by the fish tank, there is no substrate or plants for the fish just empty space

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