Tjin's Toko in Amsterdam

NederlandTjin's Toko



🕗 openingstijden

64, Eerste van der Helststraat, 1072 NZ, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 671 7708
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3549463, Longitude: 4.893175

opmerkingen 5

  • Dennis Buisman

    Dennis Buisman


    Lunchbox! Nasi, bami of tjauw min met twee gerechtjes. Altijd lekker

  • fr



    Très bon repas à consommer sur place ou à emporté on y retrouve bien saveurs Javanaise dans tout les plats je recommande il y a aussi une petite boutique où l'on peut trouver divers articles alimentaires

  • Maria Alejandres

    Maria Alejandres


    Nice little shop in De Pijp. There is food from many different countries, ideal if you miss something from your your original country: Mexican tortillas, American cookies, English tea, spice from all over the world,... It's quite small but I really like it and recommend it. Central location

  • Roswell Balentien

    Roswell Balentien


    Tjin’s Toko has all he Mexican ingredients you could hope for, and then sum. What I expected would take several trips, to different stores, was all managed by Tjin’s Toko! I’m grateful for the huge time savings but also the friendly owner and staff members. It’s clear that he cares a great deal about he products he sells.

  • Ovgum A.

    Ovgum A.


    Good family owned Indonesian Toko ( buffet style where you can pick the elements of your dish) or order sandwiches with Indonesian fillings, a marriage of colonialism! The store carries a selection of Asian, North and Latin American ingredients. This was the only place I was able to find in Amsterdam where I could find the herbs I needed for cooking an Indonesian curry. The family running the place is always kind and helpful. The chef even popped out of the back to give me cooking instructions for my curry ❤️

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