Spa Rose in Amsterdam

NederlandSpa Rose



🕗 openingstijden

Arent Janszoon Ernststraat, 1082 LJ, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Nederland
contacten telefoon: +31 6 18327823
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3318918, Longitude: 4.8730692

opmerkingen 4

  • en

    marla cohen


    An amazing gem in the city! It’s an easy tram ride for a wonderful experience that combines thai techniques, therapeutic and relaxation into one service. The whole staff is friendly and the place is immaculate. Therapists have been trained in Thailand and have received nurmwroua certificates. I had the pleasure of meeting the owner who knows what clients want to experience. Great aromatherapy with the elements massage. As a massage therapist I was seriously impressed with the attention to detail. A Thai dumpling soup was offered but as a vegetarian they provided tea and a snack of fruits and nuts. Places in town don’t hold a candle to Spa Rose!

  • Tajana Bersma

    Tajana Bersma


  • en

    Vicky Chrysikou


    Excellent experience. Very beautiful and very clean salon. Everything smells so nice in there. I was welcomed with a nice tea and a foot wash and then moved on to the massage that was just perfect! At the end I was offered tea and a delicious thai shrimp soup. All the details are well taken care of in this salon and the nice ladies make you feel pampered. It made my day! Thank you SpaRose!

  • nl

    Marco Kleton


    Top salon goede massage vriendelijke mensen ...nogmaals top zaak ..

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