SportCity in Amsterdam




🕗 openingstijden

224, Wibautstraat, 1097 DN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 465 5666
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3491398, Longitude: 4.9168818

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Maria B


    Really unfriendly staff. I went for the one day trial to understand if i will be starting my work out there. Upon quick introduction in gym facilities they gave me a card for the lockers. So in the mid of the training one of the employees came to me in quite rude way and said that it is not allowed to have a tank top on! He asked me to put a t-shirt and I told him i don't have with me and that it is my first time and his colleagues at the reception didn’t mention that. I wasn't the only one with no t-shirt so he explained me that is allowed in the group lessons but nowhere else due to the fact that is hygiene rule as is not allowed when using the equipment. I responded to him that for hygiene reasons is necessary to use a towel. He responded that that's true but towel is not always used from all....This is why a t-shirt is required! So i had to leave the gym.... Apart from this when exiting the gym, it appeared that they have some other rules like how to enter/take the temporary locker card, which is not followed from all gym employees. So when i mentioned my comments as a cuatomcu prior leaving about following the rules, the response i took with really rude way was ''have a nice day"= leave the gym now...One of the worst experiences ever i i had with a gym...

  • en

    Mohammad Abazeed


    Equipments are good in this gym, but opening hours during weekendz sucks. You would expect a gym to be opened for more than 5 pm! It's also closed during holidays, which is bothering, at least there should be a holiday shift!

  • en

    Larissa Becka


    I have been a member in this gym for more than a year. While I had a good experience with the gym located at Waterlooplein, the one in Wibaustraat is very disappointing. The staff is unfriendly. The yoga classes are great, but they are overshadowed by immense noise from other classes next door. Doing functional training is hardly ever possible, given that in this area they schedule one class after the other. Wanting to quit after moving to another country, it turned out that I would have to pay a lot extra in order to quit earlier than my contract is expected to last. I am particularly disappointed because I asked for this before I signed the contract and they did not point this out to me. Besides that, communicating with them (via e-mail) is very difficult as they refuse to answer in English.

  • Mohammed Elmorsy

    Mohammed Elmorsy


    I went today to register and after spending time felling out the Dutch contract. I went to change and train. In the mid of the training one of the workers came to me and said that it is not allowed to have a tank top on! I have to have a t-shirt! I told him it is my first time and his colleagues at the reception didn’t mention that. He brought me a used old weird T-shirt and asked me to wear it or I have to leave. I had to stop my exercise in the middle and leave the gym. He also told me that they do that because the don’t want muscular people to show off their bodies. I’m sure that the person who took such a decision is mentally sick. It is shame on them to control what people should and shouldn’t wear! We are not in the Middle Ages! I am going to do sport I should wear whatever comfortable for me as long as it doesn’t effect anyone. Also all the signs are in Dutch so any expats in Amsterdam wouldn’t feel welcome. I decided not to come back here and not to recommend such a place to anyone!

  • Sami Machiavelli

    Sami Machiavelli


    Big and pleasant gym. Get's too crowded thou, and the set up of the equipment can be smarter. The music is not good, I wish it had more power. And the TV screens show irrelevant show like medical operations and strange animal birth's and such. Why not show sports? Seems more relevant. The protein shake tastes slimy and strange. Thou they have good protein water and the coffee is free.

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