Unlimited Health in Amsterdam

NederlandUnlimited Health



🕗 openingstijden

234, Van Ostadestraat, 1073 TV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holland
contacten telefoon: +31 20 670 1705
website: www.unlimitedhealth.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.352735, Longitude: 4.896657

opmerkingen 5

  • Denis



    Goede webshop voor een gezonde leefstijl! Persoonlijk advies en veel aandacht voor de klant. Veel producten in het assortiment die ik nergens anders in Nederland kan vinden. Ga zo door!

  • nl

    Monique Topman


    Na de recensies gelezen te hebben ,ga ik deze yogaschool niet proberen..Ik denk dat je beter presteert met positieve energie ipv mensen uit te kafferen zoals deze leraar het doet.Yoga hoort je te verlichten en niet te verzwaren.

  • en

    Marieke Pouw


    Far out the best health shop around. Organic fresh foods and juices for a good price and best quality. The store has great supplements and people in the store always know to tell a lot about the products and give great advice!

  • Menno de Bruin

    Menno de Bruin


    Yoga means Union, Union of the soul with the Supreme Soul. No place better than this one to realise this. Follow the instructions and you become physically fit and spiritually nourished. In classes in general humility is a requirement to learn. So also in these classes. So far no regrets. In 10 years lost 20 kilo's and became spiritually conscious. Yes, yoga is a lonely road, but if you need guidance you can find it here.

  • en

    Herbert Már Sigmundsson


    Best yoga studio I have been to, the teacher is straight forward and open with his beliefs. For the first time I have a vegan yoga teacher which is very important to me. The service there is wonderful and personal, the smoothies are delicious and they have the biggest selection that I have seen of cruelty free products that enhance your living. I would recommend this place to anyone that is open for personal growth, if you get offended than maybe you need to work on yourself.

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