Sexmuseum Amsterdam Venustempel in Amsterdam

NederlandSexmuseum Amsterdam Venustempel



🕗 openingstijden

18, Damrak, 1012 LH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 622 8376
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3766117, Longitude: 4.8972287

opmerkingen 5

  • Arune Zuzu

    Arune Zuzu


    Great museum for a good fair price. We enjoyed the tour in this museum.

  • Aris Beozzo

    Aris Beozzo


    All you see is old photos and posters. Some of them are interesting tho and the price to get in is not that crazy, so its ok.

  • Megan Green

    Megan Green


    Fun place for only €5! If you've got time to spare this is a great way to kill an hour or so, it's a good laugh!

  • Kirsty



    Oh my gosh this place is hilarious. Something really different to go to. Just don't bring your grandparents ha ha. It's very, very R rated. Don't take the museum too seriously.. just go for a laugh.

  • Sydney Wiltshire

    Sydney Wiltshire


    Very cheap entry so can’t complain. Somewhere to have a laugh I wouldn’t take this too seriously. Just a place you might consider going whilst in Amsterdam to see something comical.

Museum in de buurt

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