Anne Frank House in Amsterdam

NederlandAnne Frank House



🕗 openingstijden

20, Westermarkt, 1016 GV, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 556 7105
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3752182, Longitude: 4.8839765

opmerkingen 5

  • Kozo A

    Kozo A


    5 stars for the way it is organized. However be aware that the information presented is limited. You could read that in 10 min on the internet. Not that many original stuff inside as well. If you like museums, it is a great experience. I myself am not the biggest museums fan

  • K J

    K J


    We booked the introductory talk as well as visit. I last visited 30 years ago and there was no talk available and I don't even remember entering the secret annexe. Anyway the talk was very good with photos and a time line to explain the years leading up to WWII. Loved the audio guide - no fiddling with buttons, just point at the numbers in each room and the audio starts. Thank you for including examples of Anne's writing and photos of how the rooms would have looked. The guest book at the end of the visit was necessary to express the impact of Anne's story.

  • stu Harding

    stu Harding


    After visiting you should never forget what happened

  • Stephan S.

    Stephan S.


    there were no video games :(

  • its dini

    its dini


    One of the places in the world that you have to visit at least once. Definitely book tickets in before otherwise you will have to wait in line for half a day.

Museum in de buurt

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