Leemstar Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandLeemstar Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

Our departure point is in front of Prinsengracht 579 At the dock in front of, the antique store, 1016 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 6 16616690
website: www.leemstar.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.368133, Longitude: 4.8829095

opmerkingen 5

  • Akshay



    Had an amazing experience with the tour for the canal ride. The guide briefly informed about the history of the canals, places, bridge. It was very nice to know.

  • Kai Tuk

    Kai Tuk


    Great tour, great guide and very stylish boat. Excellent choice for small groups (4-10 persons). And very flexible in terms of pick-up and drop off. The captain Floris is very knowledgeable and knows when to say something and when to be quiet.

  • Clint Berry

    Clint Berry


    We took a cruise on a cold rainy day boats was comfortable as could be. We booked the 90 minute ride it was my family of five and two others we had a blast. Caption was great very informative and just fun to laugh and joke with. We upgraded and had some drinks nice choice of beer others had white wine and soda or water for the kids. 10 out of 10 would recommend again. It was like going for a ride with friends not doubt you could do it cheaper o a big cattle boat but this was way more enjoyable.

  • Nick Murphy

    Nick Murphy


    Great tour! We really enjoyed our early evening cruise with a lovely host.. a fascinating experience. The next day we kept pointing out all the things we had seen on the tour. Definitely would recommend.

  • Greg Bennett

    Greg Bennett


    Excellent tour!! Arnold was very knowledgeable and kept the pace while not going too fast. Boat size was perfect. Small enough to talk to the other guests and to hear everything Arnold had to say. One of the best experiences we had while in Amsterdam. Stay off the large boats and reward yourself with this tour!!

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