FIX IT - Kledingreparatie & Stomerij in Amsterdam

NederlandFIX IT - Kledingreparatie & Stomerij



🕗 openingstijden

150, Valkenburgerstraat, 1011 NA, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3695508, Longitude: 4.9061372

opmerkingen 5

  • Muhannad Al-Naabi

    Muhannad Al-Naabi


    Fast service but little bit overpriced

  • Can



    Everything was excellent. Would Recommend 5/5

  • Eugene Lapin

    Eugene Lapin


    Excellent service and good quality. Best recommendations.

  • Victor Pena

    Victor Pena


    Went here asking to fix a hole in my jean's both pockets. I would speak in English, he would answer in Dutch. He said 45€ new pocket. When I asked to not replace them but fix them instead, he just said "no" and walked away. Quite rude in general. I went to another stomerij and got offered a fix for 14€ or replacement for 28€, for both, all while speaking English and smiling.

  • Bauke van Gent

    Bauke van Gent


    This has been my dry cleaner for years now and the quality has always been great and he never delivered them late. This should be enough for you to go but the man running this shop is the real reason to go. The (personal) service is even higher, he can deliver and pick up and in general the man is very sweet and super helpful. I have been a couple of other in Amsterdam and the quality in general has always been good but the service and willingness to help at this place I have not seen before.

Wasserij in de buurt

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