Laundry Dry Cleaning Eland in Amsterdam

NederlandLaundry Dry Cleaning Eland



🕗 openingstijden

65, Hazenstraat, 1016 SN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 625 0731
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3698654, Longitude: 4.8806111

opmerkingen 5

  • Kamilla Megyeri

    Kamilla Megyeri


    Good costumer service

  • Roderik K

    Roderik K


    Great quality service, speedy and well priced. They also do Silk very well.

  • Mariya Zgola

    Mariya Zgola


    This laundry is perfect, clothes were fresh and clean, excellent and quick service, I highly recommend this company, I had a great experience! Thank you cleaning crew, nice and cheerful people!☺️

  • Xavier Klaeyle

    Xavier Klaeyle


    Horrible service, from dropping to picking up, same young girl rude as hell Never felt so awkward in a shop before, felt like I was bothering her while getting in, charged me 82.5 euros for one coat and 3 x suits including trousers and it took them a week to dry clean, pretty sure I was completely ripped off for that price but happy to be proven wrong. Absolutely to be avoided.

  • K P

    K P


    Awesome washing service! Great price and friendly service. Approx €19 for 8kg (about 2 big loads) washed, dried and folded! Would definitely recommend 😊

Wasserij in de buurt

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