Het Zwarte Fietsenplan Spiegelkwartier in Amsterdam

NederlandHet Zwarte Fietsenplan Spiegelkwartier



🕗 openingstijden

282, Lijnbaansgracht, 1017 RM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 670 8531
website: www.hetzwartefietsenplan.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3620082, Longitude: 4.8866042

opmerkingen 5

  • Andrew Dion

    Andrew Dion


    This place is awful. My bike chain came off so came here to get it fixed. Didn't fix the problem with the spoke that caused it to come off, just put it back on. A few months later it comes off again. They "fix" it again, chain is back on but barely pushes the bike at all, completely usesless. Was faster and less embrassaing to walk . Overcharged me both times considering they just reattached the chain. Don't go here

  • en

    Operator One


    Reasonable pricing, some staff doesn't seem to be trained or they are new, but in general they are honest and trying to help

  • Glenn Redding

    Glenn Redding


    WARNING! Rip off Merchants, if they think you are a Tourist or Expat, they will charge you double or triple what it would normally cost to change a tyre. Also the customer service was very rude.

  • Hélène Ledergerber

    Hélène Ledergerber


    Avoid at all costs. I went there to have a flat tire fixed on my (6-month old) bike. Apart from the tire, my bike was working perfectly fine. My bike came back all rusty, it now makes more noise than an electrical bike. Reason for that is that apparently my chain needed to be oiled and tightened, so they did something with it (I guess this is them trying to « upsell » stuff when they see a naive person like me who can’t say no). Anyway I don’t know what they did but it feels like my bike has aged 5 years during 1 day of ‘repair’. Never again. I usually don't post negative reviews but this time I can't hold myself back.

  • nikolauzi



    My chain broke and after telling the mechanic how to help me (he didn't come up with the idea of at least fixing my old one as he didn't have a replacement), he charged me 10 euros for a 5 minute task(!) instead of using this as an opportunity to find loyal clients that bring future revenue. And no, in contrast to the claim further down in the comments here that prices are communicated before the work, this did not happen. Used to rent bikes here when I had guests visiting me in Amsterdam. But with this attitude, I'll look for a different place.

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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