Het Zwarte Fietsenplan Leidseplein in Amsterdam

NederlandHet Zwarte Fietsenplan Leidseplein



🕗 openingstijden

282, Lijnbaansgracht, 1017 RM, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 85 273 5994
website: www.hetzwartefietsenplan.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3620082, Longitude: 4.8866042

opmerkingen 5

  • Leandro Bonan

    Leandro Bonan


    Very fast service, bike is completely fixed within 24 hours, and the price I paid was very fair.

  • Priscilla Thorner

    Priscilla Thorner


    I am shopping for an e-bike and have been to several shops all over Amsterdam with mixed results. I am so happy I found this shop as the staff here are so knowledgeable and patient. They have answered SO many questions I told them they should teach a class. ;) They all speak excellent English. It does help that they have a large staff so there is always someone to help. Thank you Abel, Dyn, Ramez and Kryn (I hope I spelled the names right!).

  • Suna Van Beurden

    Suna Van Beurden


    My bike tires were professionally fixed but they left break cable disconnected.

  • Ken Shiro

    Ken Shiro


    Fast, professional and a good price repair my bike! Thank you so much. Friendly and english speaking staff was simply the best..!

  • Tracy Metz

    Tracy Metz


    I like these people! They are always clear about what you can expect: an itemized list of the repairs they do, a maximum price (and it's usually less), they send you an sms when your bike is ready and .... they know their stuff. And they're nice!

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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