| Amsterdam in Amsterdam | Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

8, Overtoom, 1054 HH, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 506 1700
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3638067, Longitude: 4.8781107

opmerkingen 5

  • Mai Kandeel

    Mai Kandeel


    Great shop and excellent service

  • Alex Rumbold

    Alex Rumbold


    Much better online shops out there like 12go

  • GS M

    GS M


    A terrible experience from the beginning. My bike was delivered without the proper set up. The handlebar stem was loose and not inserted correctly. I had to take it to another bike shop (at my expense) to have it adjusted properly. The bike then broke about 8 months later. I raised a service request and was told it would take 78 hours to respond. 3 weeks later I still haven't had my bike fixed. When I called the service line they just told me to call the bike shop they claimed would fix my bike, which they claimed they had sent a repair request to, along with the part that was needed for the fix. They took zero ownership of the problem. A good customer service agent / team would have offered to call them for me. When I called the bike shop they told me they didn't receive the request or any parts, so I called the service line for a 3rd time and was told I would receive a call back. This never happened and instead I was just sent an email with the bike shop details again. I called the bike shop myself (again), and they said they just received the repair request and have not accepted it yet. They were quite rude and said I could call back to make the appointment when they accept it. I then called fietsenwinkel again and asked to speak to a manager. The agent called Mark, refused to put me through to a manager and just told me to email. I told him I wanted to get it sorted now, as I've been without my bike for a long time. Mark did not care and just told me to email. A very bad experience at every step. Don't be lured in by their low prices and offers, and definitely not by their service contract. It's not worth it. **UPDATE** Despite a PROMISE from Bas (see reply below) that an engineer would call me to make an appointment to fix my bike, I STILL haven't received a phone call almost a week later. This is becoming a joke now!

  • Sarah Darweesh

    Sarah Darweesh


    Horrible, horrible customer service. Don't buy from here if you value your time. The bikes are cheap but I wish I had spent more money upfront somewhere else, so I wouldn't have to wait MONTHS to get a bike repaired I got only two weeks ago. And this is my third bike from, third time the bike was delivered with a defect, so it's not a one-off. All three times took weeks or months to get a repair, even when the problem was incredibly minor (like re-attaching a wire, which, after waiting for months for a reparation, the mechanic did in 5 minutes while I waited). If you really do want to buy a bike there, make sure you don't get insurance through them. Buy an insurance policy directly from the insurance company. Because if you do it through them, you don't get your money back in case of theft, but are forced to buy another bike for the same price. In my case, the price of the exact bike that got stolen went up at the time of the theft, so they wanted me to pay 150 euros extra to get the exact same bike I had already bought three months earlier. This is the kind of company you're dealing with. There are many other, better places to buy a bike. Don't get sucked in.

  • Fábio dos Santos Franco

    Fábio dos Santos Franco


    What could have been a great experience for delivering on time, the customer service is terrible. There is no courtesy on the communication and there is no attempt to even understand my request. If you expect to have any after sales experience, prepare to be disappointed.

Fietsenwinkel in de buurt

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