gallery 9 hairstudio in Amsterdam

Nederlandgallery 9 hairstudio



🕗 openingstijden

548, Keizersgracht, 1017 EN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 6 11597453
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3650624, Longitude: 4.8875532

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Thierry Martens


    Very friendly and professional hairdresser. He really takes the time for you. Always satisfied with my haircut by Andy!

  • nl

    Paul Meijster


    Geknipt worden in een art gallery, wie wil dat nou niet. Verstaat zijn vak goed. Absoluut waarde voor wat je betaald! Doen!

  • stephani smith

    stephani smith


    Andy is a fabulous stylist! He had an uncanny ability to understand my hair immediately. Definitely, the BEST haircuts I’ve ever had came from Andy. He’s also very accommodating on dates and times for appointments. He’s super busy yet always finds a way to work me in. Check him out!!

  • Bram Kool

    Bram Kool


    Have been visiting Andy from Gallery 9 for 2 years now. Always delivers great quality and takes the time to really give you a good haircut (only after visiting Andy I realized what a bad service other hairdressers provide). On top of that, it's always fun with Andy and he is very flexible in making appointments. Would really recommend to everyone!

  • en

    Mariola Burejko


    Andy is wonderful, and he does a great job! He makes you feel very special by scheduling enough time to serve only you without having other customers at the same time. He uses very good BIO products. My hair feels fantastic afterward. I've just my highlights with him, and I'm very happy :) And last but least; he does an amazing head massage! I highly recommend his service! You won't regret it!

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