H.I.P. Hobbemastraat B.V. in Amsterdam

NederlandH.I.P. Hobbemastraat B.V.



🕗 openingstijden

69, Daniël Stalpertstraat, 1072 XB, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 664 4744
website: hipkappers.nl
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3563269, Longitude: 4.8902614

opmerkingen 5

  • Lotte



    I am absolutely obsessed by how David cut my hair. He takes the time for you even when they are really busy and it was just perfect.Thank you so so much! Make sure to add me to the client list because I am definitely coming back :)

  • Diogo Cassimiro

    Diogo Cassimiro


    Best haircut i got in the nethetlanfs so far. David did a perfect job. Will definitely be back

  • Femke Markslag

    Femke Markslag


    I am very loyal to my hairdresser and even when I moved back to Amsterdam, I travelled to London just for a haircut & colour. Until I met Jörgen. It was given to me as a present and I was sceptical. But boy was I wrong doubting.. Jörgen saw just 2 pictures of me in advance and already had an idea in his head. When I came to the salon, he made sure I felt completely at ease and started with just asking me to take my hair down and actually explaining to me how he saw the structure of my hair, saw the treatment (colouring) I did myself and in-dept spoke to me what his initial ideas would be regarding colouring and cutting. This made me instantly trust him as he approached this not from a commercial side, he showed me in an almost scientific way his knowledge of hair, hair behaviour and combined this by asking questions learning about me, my life, what I would do on a daily basis and what would work for me. I spent 4 hours in the chair getting step by step colourisation (and with every step he checked in, told me what he was doing or just did, telling me about the next step and confirming if we were still on the same page). It gave me so much trust I decided to give him carte blanche, yet knowing this, he still talked me through very little thing he did. Watching Jörgen work was an absolute pleasure on it’s own. It’s fascinating to watch his complete focus on what he was creating, his craft and his care for not just my hair, but also my personal wellbeing. Whilst helping another loyal client, his partner in crime David didn’t hesitate to step in to wash the 1st 2 layers of highlighting and colouring out of my hair. And this with absolute charm and THE best head massage I have ever experienced. When done with the colouring Jörgen explained to me what he wanted to do cut wise and why, being honest about a part he wanted to bring back “alive” yet not yet knowing how. And again I fully trusted him. In the end, he created an amazing new hairdo, brilliant colouring, beyond my dreams cut and showed me several ways of how to treat it, model it and what would work best for me in different situations. I have never felt this at ease, this amazed and this good not just leaving the salon, but just going through the whole treatment. He is not just a hairdresser, he is foremost an artist, extremely skilled and well educated on different hair types. Yet he makes you feel truly heard, understood and has a way of comforting you whilst asking just the right questions to make sure your hair is an extension of your personality and suits your daily life. It’s a treat to see him work, it’s a treat to be his client. Not only have I now, which is rare, swifted my loyalty.. I have decided that next time I will give Jörgen full control and freedom over my new fall / autumn look. I can only pressure others whom don’t know him yet to give him the chance and experience this exquisite hair artist and beautiful person!

  • Eli Thoresen

    Eli Thoresen


    I loved the place and the hairdresser. Daphne did sn exelent job with myhair.

  • Carl Lindberg

    Carl Lindberg


    One of the only hairdressers I trust! I recommend David, who's skillful, super social and talkative. Book in advance!

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