Flowers & Powers in Amsterdam

NederlandFlowers & Powers



🕗 openingstijden

24h, De Clercqstraat, 1052 NE, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 20 786 1947
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3713907, Longitude: 4.8716693

opmerkingen 5

  • Niceness Rose

    Niceness Rose


    They are so great with service. I always buy my flowers here . They can last 2 weeks in my home. So amazing 😁🤩

  • Lauren Holtkamp

    Lauren Holtkamp


    Really bad service from two arrogant ladies. The products were of poor quality. Everything was too much to ask for. Never felt more unwelcome.

  • Tomas Cepas

    Tomas Cepas


    Highly recommend this shop! Very helpful staff, nice atmosphere, beautiful flowers and one of the few quality places open at a later time during the day.

  • Graeme Sharpe

    Graeme Sharpe


    Our favourite flower shop in Amsterdam. Always filled with beautiful and unusual flowers. Amazing and helpful staff that create stunning bouquets for a special gift or to enjoy at home. They seem to have more and more dried flowers these days if you are also looking for this. It’s unfortunate they aren’t serving cake at the moment as they used to stock a really nice marlovik cake (Google it / honey cake 🤤)

  • TD B

    TD B


    Wonderful place with beautiful dried and fresh flowers. The ladies are patient and help with suggestions to find just what you’re looking for. Will recommend going further to my friends who want to bring some local flare to their apartments. The dried flowers are just dreamy...

Bloemist in de buurt

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