Bloemenweelde Amsterdam in Amsterdam

NederlandBloemenweelde Amsterdam



🕗 openingstijden

114, De Clercqstraat, 1052 NN, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL Holandia
contacten telefoon: +31 20 616 8704
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 52.3701472, Longitude: 4.8663066

opmerkingen 5

  • Nienke Poortvliet

    Nienke Poortvliet


    geweldige bloemenzaak: prachtige bloemen en deskundig en super vriendelijk personeel. Mooie veldboektten, echt een aanrader!

  • en

    Darya Novoseletskaya


    Absolutely incredible customer service! I ordered flowers for my sister’s Birthday but she wasn’t home when they got delivered. I talked to a wonderfully friendly lady while she was coordinating where they should be dropped off. Very helpful and attentive staff! My sister was happy to receive a beautiful surprise - all thanks to this great store! Thank you!

  • Mas Tadesse

    Mas Tadesse


    Ordering flowers from the U.S. for my friends and family in the Netherlands over years has been a challenge. Bloemenweelde changed this process for me! (1.) Easy online ordering process. (2.) They followed my 'special instructions' from timing of delivery to finished product. My friends and family all over the Netherlands (including some very small towns) could not be more pleased/surprised. I can't wait to use Bloemenweelde again!

  • Amélie Bourget

    Amélie Bourget


    They are the best! I ordered from Canada and they were very helpful, answered my questions fast. My bf wasn't home when they made the delivery, so they made sure to leave them somewhere safe and made a follow up with me to make sure the flowers got to him. I recommend

  • Brittany Lattanzio

    Brittany Lattanzio


    Fantastic! I put in a last minute Valentine's Day order, and their customer service was swift and professional. They did everything to assure me my flowers would arrive on time, and they did! The receipient loved them as well. Thank you!

Bloemist in de buurt

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